SEAT Bylaws SouthEastern Association of Trailriders
ARTICLE I - NAMEThe name of this organization shall be the SouthEastern Association of Trailriders, herein referred to as SEAT, and it shall be a non-profit association.
ARTICLE II - OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSESEAT’s mission is to increase interest and educate the public of the recreational benefits of horses and trail riding in Virginia and North Carolina, and to promote safe and responsible riding. SEAT organizes various trail rides and events for the benefit of all horse people. The club assists in the maintenance of existing trails and the creation of new trails, abiding by the philosophy of Leave No Trace. SEAT also promotes friendly relationships with organizations and individuals of similar interests. Members will meet monthly to go over club business, enjoy a good meal, catch up on horse conversation and meet new people. We will join together for rides locally, regionally and statewide and create a wonderful family type atmosphere.
ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIPMembership is available as an Individual or Family. All membership shall coincide with the calendar year beginning on January 1st or the day that the application and dues are received and shall terminate on December 31st. Dues, as established by SEAT, must be paid for a member to maintain voting status and shall be subject to all other rights and privileges. Membership shall be unrestricted for persons 18 years of age or older. Persons under 18 years of age shall be accepted for membership only when their parent or legal guardian is a SEAT member in good standing. Membership dues are $20/year for Individual and $30/year for Family. Members joining after November 1st will be considered paid in full for the following year. Members serving on SEAT Board will receive Free membership for year served.
ARTICLE IV - MEMBERS1. Members in Good Standing - any member who has paid all dues and fees and has not been subject to disciplinary action.2. Voting Member - any member in good standing who is 18 years of age or older.
ARTICLE V – OFFICERS and BOARD POSITIONS1. The affairs of SEAT shall be managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of five (5) Officers and five (5) Board Positions. Officers include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. Board Positions where members also can serve are Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Social Media Moderator, manage Mileage Program, and manage Apparel.2. President: elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. The President shall call the meetings and shall preside at all meetings of SEAT and of the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office of President. See attached job description for further clarification of job duties/expectations.3. Vice President: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. The Vice President shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties. He/She shall perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or incapacity, including presiding at meetings. See attached job duties for further clarification of position/expectation.4. Treasurer: elected for one (1) year but cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to act as custodian for all funds of SEAT and to keep suitable books of account and to render reports. All monies belonging to SEAT shall be deposited into a bank account in the name of SEAT. All disbursements of funds shall be made from SEAT’s bank account by check card or check issued by the Treasurer and co-signed by the President, whose signature is on file at the bank as co-signer if bank requires such. See attached job descriptions for further clarification of position/expectation.5. Secretary: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings. Secretary shall carry on all correspondence as directed by the President and shall maintain pertinent records. See attached job duties for further clarification of positions/expectations. 6. Membership Coordinator: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. Membership Coordinator shall handle all new and renewal memberships. He/She shall maintain and keep the roster up to date. See attached job duties for further clarification of position/expectation. ARTICLE VI - QUORUMA quorum shall consist of two (2) officers and voting members present at a SEAT function. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGSUnless otherwise specified, meetings shall be held on the first Monday of every month at a place designated and agreed upon by the SEAT Board and Membership. ARTICLE VIII - ELECTIONSThe President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator shall be elected annually, in December, in the following manner:· A nominating committee consisting of three (3) members shall be appointed by the Board no later than the October meeting of SEAT each year. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate a candidate for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. If needed, candidates for Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Facebook Moderator, Distance Program, and Apparel will be nominated. The Nominating Committee shall make its report to the membership no later than the regular November meeting of SEAT. The Nominating Committee shall determine in advance whether the individuals nominated are willing to serve in the positions for which they are nominated. The Nominating Committee shall cease to exist when it has performed the foregoing duties.· Nominations for the positions may also be made from the floor prior to the call to vote.· Members of the Nominating Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office.· Each SEAT member entitled to vote may vote for only one of the candidates nominated for each position.· Board members shall be elected by a majority of the membership present at the December meeting / end of the year party one position at a time unless the entire proposed slate is running unopposed.· All positions shall be elected for a one year term, unless running unopposed. Only the Treasurer may be elected for two (2) consecutive terms.· New Board members will take their respective positions at the January meeting. ARTICLE IX - COMMITTEESAudit Committee: A Volunteer Audit Committee of not less than three (3) voting current members, of which two (2) who are not elected members of the Board, shall be appointed by the Board to conduct an audit of the books with the Treasurer. They shall meet at least once a year to audit the books between the February and March meetings. If there are no volunteers from the membership, one professional accountant or bookkeeper with no interest in the club may be appointed by the Board to conduct the audit with the Treasurer. ARTICLE X – DISCIPLINARY ACTIONAny member acting in a manner contrary to the purpose and mission of SEAT is subject to disciplinary action. Member’s privilege of membership will be suspended or terminated. SEAT will NOT tolerate those participants who are not willing to abide by SEAT’s objectives and conduct themselves in a safe, responsible, and positive way. Member in question shall receive written notice of disciplinary action with option of appearing before Board at a special meeting specified at least ten (10) days prior to meeting. Action shall be decided by a majority vote of Board members, which shall include at least three (3) officers and two (2) Board members. ARTICLE XI - DISSOLUTIONThe dissolution of SEAT may be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members at a regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose. The appropriate officers shall take whatever action is necessary to complete said dissolution in compliance with applicable statues. Any remaining funds in SEAT’s account are to be distributed to an existing non-profit organization which promotes trails, such as the Virginia Horse Council. ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWSa. These bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at any meeting of SEAT membership, providing the proposed amendment was submitted in writing to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.b. All proposed amendments to the bylaws approved by SEAT shall become effective as of the date of the following regular monthly meeting or on such date as may have been specifically stated in the amendment. President Responsibilities/DutiesPresident represents SEAT in a very positive light. Great people skills and negotiation talents will be key.President should know SEAT Bylaws and insure that the club lives by its Mission Statement.President presides over Board meetings and General membership meetings. He/she prepares the Board meeting agenda, with input from other Board members. President follows Robert’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.President should communicate with his/her officers and the Board on a regular basis and present the Board recommendations to the club at the monthly club meetings. He/she should also communicate with the club and bring any of their concerns to the Board and officers for review.President should be very active in club events. If the Board and officers cannot come to a consensus on certain issues, the President should help to negotiate with his/her Board and officers a reasonable outcome.President is in charge of making sure that his/her Board and officers are working diligently in their job responsibilities and that the club affairs and concerns are being handled and met in a professional manner. President has responsibility to bring to task any officers or club members not following club rules or participating in activities within the expectations of the club and bring to task anyone not following the club’s standards and rules.President is the leader in the chain of command. He/she must keep the meetings running smoothly and on point. He/she must be able to keep order and must make sure that any issues are addressed. If President cannot attend either a Board or General meeting, then the Vice president should attend and present in his/her place. Vice President Responsibilities/DutiesVice President is second in command and will be responsible for conducting Board and General membership meetings in the Presidents place should the President not be able to attend. Vice President will be in charge of scheduling meeting places and times for Board and General meetings. He/she will welcome all new members and address any needs they may have. Vice President will also be in charge of calling and setting up our scheduled rides and scheduling guest speakers for some of the General meetings. He/she will keep an updated list with all ride venues to make sure that our rides do not coincide with other club rides at the same time and place.Vice President will be the go between and spokesman to address issues between the Board and the President. He/she will help assist the President with club business should the President request the Vice Presidents help.Vice President should know Robert’s Rules of Order, SEAT Bylaws, and the Mission of the club to help keep things within the club running smoothly. Vice President should also know the responsibilities of the President in order to take over should the President not be able to attend or perform his/her job responsibilities or until a new President is found. Treasurer Responsibilities/DutiesTreasurer presides over Board Meetings and General membership meetings in the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary.He/she follows Roberts’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.He/she prepares the Treasurers reports for Board meetings. Treasurer maintains the SEAT account with another signatory. He/she is responsible for the management of the account, payment of bills, fees, taxes, insurances etc. Treasurer will also maintain all incoming income from sponsors, events, advertisers, rides, etc. He/she will maintain all accounting and records necessary.He/she will have a key to the mailbox to check regularly. He/she will distribute mail to the correct party. Treasurer will meet with Volunteer Audit Committee appointed by the Board to conduct an audit of the books between February and March each year. If needed, the Board can appoint a professional accountant or bookkeeper with no interest in the club to conduct the audit with the Treasurer. Secretary Responsibilities/DutiesSecretary presides over Board meetings and General membership meetings in the absence of the President and Vice president.Secretary prepares the Board meeting agenda, with input from other Board Members, in the absence of the President and Vice president. He/she follows Robert’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.Secretary records and prepares the Board meeting minutes and General membership meeting minutes. Minutes are to be posted in monthly SEAT newsletter.He/she keeps and makes available to the Board all records past and present, as well as any and all pertinent club information such as letters and meeting minutes.Secretary will also assist the Membership Coordinator if needed and will keep on hand membership forms in case needed at SEAT meetings and events. Membership Coordinator Responsibilities/DutiesMembership Coordinator will be in charge of the memberships. He/she will keep the roster up to date and forward it to the Board. He/she will make out the membership cards, new member packets and renewal packets.Membership Coordinator will collect the money and give to the Treasurer. Membership Coordinator will assist Secretary when needed and will also take minutes should the Secretary be absent from any meetings.He/she will keep on hand membership forms in case needed at SEAT meetings and events. SEAT Bylaws [Approved October 9, 1995][Amended January 8, 2002; March 10, 2009; October 3, 2011; Amended March 20, 2015; Amended February 16, 2016]
ARTICLE V – OFFICERS and BOARD POSITIONS1. The affairs of SEAT shall be managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of five (5) Officers and five (5) Board Positions. Officers include President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. Board Positions where members also can serve are Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Social Media Moderator, manage Mileage Program, and manage Apparel.2. President: elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. The President shall call the meetings and shall preside at all meetings of SEAT and of the Board of Directors and shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office of President. See attached job description for further clarification of job duties/expectations.3. Vice President: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. The Vice President shall assist the President in the execution of his/her duties. He/She shall perform the duties of the President during his/her absence or incapacity, including presiding at meetings. See attached job duties for further clarification of position/expectation.4. Treasurer: elected for one (1) year but cannot serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to act as custodian for all funds of SEAT and to keep suitable books of account and to render reports. All monies belonging to SEAT shall be deposited into a bank account in the name of SEAT. All disbursements of funds shall be made from SEAT’s bank account by check card or check issued by the Treasurer and co-signed by the President, whose signature is on file at the bank as co-signer if bank requires such. See attached job descriptions for further clarification of position/expectation.5. Secretary: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. Secretary shall keep the minutes of all regular and special meetings. Secretary shall carry on all correspondence as directed by the President and shall maintain pertinent records. See attached job duties for further clarification of positions/expectations. 6. Membership Coordinator: Elected for one (1) year but cannot serve two consecutive terms, unless running unopposed. Membership Coordinator shall handle all new and renewal memberships. He/She shall maintain and keep the roster up to date. See attached job duties for further clarification of position/expectation. ARTICLE VI - QUORUMA quorum shall consist of two (2) officers and voting members present at a SEAT function. ARTICLE VII - MEETINGSUnless otherwise specified, meetings shall be held on the first Monday of every month at a place designated and agreed upon by the SEAT Board and Membership. ARTICLE VIII - ELECTIONSThe President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator shall be elected annually, in December, in the following manner:· A nominating committee consisting of three (3) members shall be appointed by the Board no later than the October meeting of SEAT each year. It shall be the duty of the Nominating Committee to nominate a candidate for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. If needed, candidates for Newsletter Editor, Webmaster, Facebook Moderator, Distance Program, and Apparel will be nominated. The Nominating Committee shall make its report to the membership no later than the regular November meeting of SEAT. The Nominating Committee shall determine in advance whether the individuals nominated are willing to serve in the positions for which they are nominated. The Nominating Committee shall cease to exist when it has performed the foregoing duties.· Nominations for the positions may also be made from the floor prior to the call to vote.· Members of the Nominating Committee are not barred from becoming nominees for office.· Each SEAT member entitled to vote may vote for only one of the candidates nominated for each position.· Board members shall be elected by a majority of the membership present at the December meeting / end of the year party one position at a time unless the entire proposed slate is running unopposed.· All positions shall be elected for a one year term, unless running unopposed. Only the Treasurer may be elected for two (2) consecutive terms.· New Board members will take their respective positions at the January meeting. ARTICLE IX - COMMITTEESAudit Committee: A Volunteer Audit Committee of not less than three (3) voting current members, of which two (2) who are not elected members of the Board, shall be appointed by the Board to conduct an audit of the books with the Treasurer. They shall meet at least once a year to audit the books between the February and March meetings. If there are no volunteers from the membership, one professional accountant or bookkeeper with no interest in the club may be appointed by the Board to conduct the audit with the Treasurer. ARTICLE X – DISCIPLINARY ACTIONAny member acting in a manner contrary to the purpose and mission of SEAT is subject to disciplinary action. Member’s privilege of membership will be suspended or terminated. SEAT will NOT tolerate those participants who are not willing to abide by SEAT’s objectives and conduct themselves in a safe, responsible, and positive way. Member in question shall receive written notice of disciplinary action with option of appearing before Board at a special meeting specified at least ten (10) days prior to meeting. Action shall be decided by a majority vote of Board members, which shall include at least three (3) officers and two (2) Board members. ARTICLE XI - DISSOLUTIONThe dissolution of SEAT may be authorized by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members at a regular meeting or special meeting called for this purpose. The appropriate officers shall take whatever action is necessary to complete said dissolution in compliance with applicable statues. Any remaining funds in SEAT’s account are to be distributed to an existing non-profit organization which promotes trails, such as the Virginia Horse Council. ARTICLE XII - AMENDMENTS TO BYLAWSa. These bylaws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at any meeting of SEAT membership, providing the proposed amendment was submitted in writing to the membership at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.b. All proposed amendments to the bylaws approved by SEAT shall become effective as of the date of the following regular monthly meeting or on such date as may have been specifically stated in the amendment. President Responsibilities/DutiesPresident represents SEAT in a very positive light. Great people skills and negotiation talents will be key.President should know SEAT Bylaws and insure that the club lives by its Mission Statement.President presides over Board meetings and General membership meetings. He/she prepares the Board meeting agenda, with input from other Board members. President follows Robert’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.President should communicate with his/her officers and the Board on a regular basis and present the Board recommendations to the club at the monthly club meetings. He/she should also communicate with the club and bring any of their concerns to the Board and officers for review.President should be very active in club events. If the Board and officers cannot come to a consensus on certain issues, the President should help to negotiate with his/her Board and officers a reasonable outcome.President is in charge of making sure that his/her Board and officers are working diligently in their job responsibilities and that the club affairs and concerns are being handled and met in a professional manner. President has responsibility to bring to task any officers or club members not following club rules or participating in activities within the expectations of the club and bring to task anyone not following the club’s standards and rules.President is the leader in the chain of command. He/she must keep the meetings running smoothly and on point. He/she must be able to keep order and must make sure that any issues are addressed. If President cannot attend either a Board or General meeting, then the Vice president should attend and present in his/her place. Vice President Responsibilities/DutiesVice President is second in command and will be responsible for conducting Board and General membership meetings in the Presidents place should the President not be able to attend. Vice President will be in charge of scheduling meeting places and times for Board and General meetings. He/she will welcome all new members and address any needs they may have. Vice President will also be in charge of calling and setting up our scheduled rides and scheduling guest speakers for some of the General meetings. He/she will keep an updated list with all ride venues to make sure that our rides do not coincide with other club rides at the same time and place.Vice President will be the go between and spokesman to address issues between the Board and the President. He/she will help assist the President with club business should the President request the Vice Presidents help.Vice President should know Robert’s Rules of Order, SEAT Bylaws, and the Mission of the club to help keep things within the club running smoothly. Vice President should also know the responsibilities of the President in order to take over should the President not be able to attend or perform his/her job responsibilities or until a new President is found. Treasurer Responsibilities/DutiesTreasurer presides over Board Meetings and General membership meetings in the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary.He/she follows Roberts’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.He/she prepares the Treasurers reports for Board meetings. Treasurer maintains the SEAT account with another signatory. He/she is responsible for the management of the account, payment of bills, fees, taxes, insurances etc. Treasurer will also maintain all incoming income from sponsors, events, advertisers, rides, etc. He/she will maintain all accounting and records necessary.He/she will have a key to the mailbox to check regularly. He/she will distribute mail to the correct party. Treasurer will meet with Volunteer Audit Committee appointed by the Board to conduct an audit of the books between February and March each year. If needed, the Board can appoint a professional accountant or bookkeeper with no interest in the club to conduct the audit with the Treasurer. Secretary Responsibilities/DutiesSecretary presides over Board meetings and General membership meetings in the absence of the President and Vice president.Secretary prepares the Board meeting agenda, with input from other Board Members, in the absence of the President and Vice president. He/she follows Robert’s Rules of Order during meetings, for procedure and order.Secretary records and prepares the Board meeting minutes and General membership meeting minutes. Minutes are to be posted in monthly SEAT newsletter.He/she keeps and makes available to the Board all records past and present, as well as any and all pertinent club information such as letters and meeting minutes.Secretary will also assist the Membership Coordinator if needed and will keep on hand membership forms in case needed at SEAT meetings and events. Membership Coordinator Responsibilities/DutiesMembership Coordinator will be in charge of the memberships. He/she will keep the roster up to date and forward it to the Board. He/she will make out the membership cards, new member packets and renewal packets.Membership Coordinator will collect the money and give to the Treasurer. Membership Coordinator will assist Secretary when needed and will also take minutes should the Secretary be absent from any meetings.He/she will keep on hand membership forms in case needed at SEAT meetings and events. SEAT Bylaws [Approved October 9, 1995][Amended January 8, 2002; March 10, 2009; October 3, 2011; Amended March 20, 2015; Amended February 16, 2016]